Sunday, March 21, 2010

Why does chemotherapy often cause hair loss?

Chemotherapy targets rapidly growing cells because that is what cancer cells do. So, other cells that are continually growing, such as hair, fingernails, etc. will also be affected. But, don't worry.. it will grow back!Why does chemotherapy often cause hair loss?
Cancer is the a cell that has lost the ability to STOP growing . . it grows indefinitely without treatment. Chemotherapy drugs were created to target the fact that these cells were 'growing' . . most normal cells automatically know when to stop growing once an organ is complete (liver cells, kidney cells, breast cells, colon cells - when normal will stop). There are normally only a few other types of cells that continue 'growing' . . and those types of cells are in the intestine . . and . .you guessed it . . hair cells . . hair cells grow normally every month. So, the chemotherapy can not tell the difference between a cancer cell and a hair cell . . it kills both types of cells . . and the result is hair loss. Fortunately . . once chemotherapy is stopped the hair cells will replenish and hair grows back.

There are many different types of chemotherapy drugs . . and not all of them cause hair loss . . some of the newer targeted therapy drugs attack only the protein found in cancer cells and can unintentionally turn hair white.Why does chemotherapy often cause hair loss?
because chemo kills human cells, and kills a lot of other cells aswell. you better off going without the chemo because after your done with the chemo you have 2 things killing you. best thing to stop cancer is i have seen it work.

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